Discover the best Minecraft Vanilla servers on our dedicated list
Minecraft Vanilla
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Welcome to SurvivalVanillaTownyPVPPVE server called Outer Lands! Our world is purely based on vanilla survival gameplay and can be accessed only in Minecraft Java edition version 1.20.1. We promote a respectful and positive environment where griefing, hacking, and other negative behaviors are strictly prohibited. Addit...
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SurvivalVanilla Hey there! Welcome to our Minecraft Survival 1.20 Server! Here, you and your friends can enjoy playing Minecraft in Survival mode. To enhance your gaming experience, the render distance has been set to 32 chunks. So, get ready to have some fun!
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Join our Survival Vanilla 1.20 server, where you can play Minecraft without any modifications. Feel free to do whatever you want, except hacking or causing technical harm to the server. Griefing is allowed, so you can unleash your creativity and build amazing things in Survival mode. Enjoy playing with your friends and...
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SurvivalVanilla Server Hi there! Our server has been up and running since version 1.16.3, and we have a vibrant community of players who are working on impressive projects. One important thing to note is that our server is mostly vanilla, with no teleportation or private features. However, we do have some exceptions ...
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Welcome to our SurvivalVanillaPVPPVE server, where you can enjoy the thrill of Survival Games. Our admin is known for being generous and fair. Here are the rules in place: 1. Hacking/exploiting is strictly prohibited. 2. Please refrain from spamming the chat. 3. Crashing the server is not allowed. 4. Ban evasion will ...
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