Welcome to our SurvivalVanillaPVPPVE server, where you can enjoy the thrill of Survival Games. Our admin is known for being generous and fair. Here are the rules in place:
1. Hacking/exploiting is strictly prohibited.
2. Please refrain from spamming the chat.
3. Crashing the server is not allowed.
4. Ban evasion will result in severe consequences.
5. If you are an operator, avoid granting yourself overpowered weapons, tools, or excessive amounts of items.
6. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, teasing, or harassing other players.
7. Griefing bases is only permitted under specific circumstances, such as if the person has been banned or if you have received explicit permission to do so.

Legit Realm
TagsSurvival, Vanilla, PVP, PVE
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