Terms of Use

Service Description

The services provided by private-server.net are available only through the use of this website. They include, but are not limited to, providing a ranking that lists private video game servers. Customers must follow and respect the rules stated on the website. By registering on private-server.net, you agree that all information provided during the ordering process is accurate, current, and without omission.


Like most interactive websites, this company uses cookies to allow us to retrieve user details for each visit. Cookies are used in certain areas of our site to enable their functionality and ease of use. Some of our affiliate partners may also use cookies. Serveur Privé participates and complies with all the Specifications and Policies of the IAB Europe's Transparency & Consent Framework.


private-server.net is committed to protecting your privacy. We do not share, disclose, or sell any personally identifiable information (such as your email address) with unaffiliated companies or organizations. private-server.net uses your information to provide the service you ordered and to inform you about news related to services offered and provided on private-server.net

Intellectual Property

The User agrees to use the contents of the site strictly for private purposes. Commercial use of the contents is strictly prohibited. Any legal action taken by an injured third party against the site will be handled by the User.


The Company reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. Your continued use of this site will signify your acceptance of these terms. If there are changes to our privacy policy, we will announce that these changes have been made on our homepage and on other key pages of our website. If there are changes in how we use our site customers' personally identifiable information, a notification by email will be made to those affected by this change. It is advised to reread this statement regularly.

Hypertext Links

Many outbound hypertext links are present on the site, however, the web pages where these links lead are not the responsibility of private-server.net, which does not have control over these links. Therefore, the User agrees not to hold the site responsible for the content and resources related to these outbound hypertext links.

User Publication

The site allows members to post comments. In their publications, the member commits to respecting the current laws. The site exercises post-moderation on publications and reserves the right to refuse their online posting, without having to justify it to the member. private-server.net commits to displaying the member's name next to each use of its publication.


Verbal or written abuses of any kind, including but not limited to threats of abuse, retaliation threats, or defamatory statements of any member of private-server.net will result in the immediate termination of the account. private-server.net reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the service for any reason and without notice at any time and will not be held liable to the client or third parties if we exercise this right. These terms and conditions are part of an agreement between the client and ourselves. Access to this website and/or the undertaking of a booking or agreement indicates that you have read, understood, and accepted the disclaimer, terms and conditions, and the privacy statement contained in this document. Your statutory consumer rights are unaffected.


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Head office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
Publication Director: Octave KLABA