Discover the best Minecraft v1.14 servers on our dedicated list
Minecraft v1.14
Discover the complete list of Minecraft servers. You can filter by type and game version to refine your search and find a Minecraft server that meets your requirements. Servers are ranked based on the number of votes they receive, and the ranking resets every month.

Join our amazing community now! Don't waste your time on other servers because we have it all right here. We offer Survival, Skyblock, Prison, PVP, PVE, Factions, McMMO, drop parties, free kits, KitPVP, Ulti, Skywars, leaderboards, and over 1000 players. Experience the best Minecraft gaming with no lag and 100% uptime....
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Survival Prison PvP Economy: In this server, you'll find a Prison game mode with additional features like a Stock Market, PvP battles, Kits, Ranks, Crates, Supply Drops, Custom Enchants, and Leaderboard Prizes. In addition, players have the freedom to buy their own land, enjoy the casino, and experience the rewards of ...
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