Discover the best Minecraft v1.13 servers on our dedicated list
Minecraft v1.13
Discover the complete list of Minecraft servers. You can filter by type and game version to refine your search and find a Minecraft server that meets your requirements. Servers are ranked based on the number of votes they receive, and the ranking resets every month.

Join the survival server for FTB Pixelmon with PVE gameplay and land claiming feature. DirtCraft Pixelmon Reforged is the server for you. IPs: hub: PIXELMON.GG GLOW.PIXELMON.GG RED.PIXELMON.GG Experience MCMMO, get shiny starters, and enjoy crate drops in addition to the option of joining clans or towns. The serve...
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Experience the ultimate Minecraft server hosting without any pay-to-win nonsense. Everything can be obtained in-game, so there's no unfair advantage. Join our server for a fun-filled experience where you can meet like-minded players and have a blast together. Whether you enjoy SurvivalPVPFactions, KitPvE, Economy, Min...
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