Discover the best Minecraft LifeSteal servers on our dedicated list
Minecraft LifeSteal
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Welcome to SurvivalLifeSteal, a public server dedicated to lifesteal gameplay. Join us to experience the thrill of stealing life force from your opponents. Don't forget to check out our convenient in-game shop where you can buy and sell various items to accumulate wealth.
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Experience the ultimate Minecraft multiplayer adventure on our survival server! Enter a world like no other, where survival meets economy. Gather resources, craft items, and build shelters to survive the treacherous environment filled with monsters and natural hazards. Immerse yourself in the challenge of classic survi...
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Welcome to our unique Minecraft server, where you can experience the thrill of life-steal gameplay like never before! Take down other players to steal their hearts, but be cautious - if you run out of hearts, you'll face a temporary ban. Fortunately, your fellow players can bring you back to life using a Revive Beacon...
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Welcome to NicPixel, a unique server where you can replenish your health by eliminating fellow players. Our server runs on Java version 1.16 to 1.19.3. To retrieve your earned hearts, simply type "/withdraw". You can also specify an amount to share with your friends. Join in on the fun and experience the thrill of Lif...
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Join our Minecraft server where you can enjoy a survival gameplay experience with friends! Our server features exciting elements such as Life Steal, an in-game Economy, and an effective Anti-cheat system to ensure a fair playing field for everyone. We also offer the option to claim land, adding an extra layer of protec...
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Join SurvivalLifeStealPVP, the epic SMP server where chaos and war are inevitable. Experience a true survival world with no land claiming or toggle PvP. In this server, destruction is the name of the game. Don't miss out on the chance to grab some free goodies at the beginning. Come and join the madness!
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Welcome to P30, a Minecraft server that offers an exciting gameplay experience for players of all levels. Our server provides a range of useful commands to enhance your gameplay, including the powerful "/kit dtool" command that equips you with essential tools for gathering resources and building structures. You can als...
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