Discover the best Minecraft KitPVP servers on our dedicated list

Minecraft KitPVP

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163 servers 8 votes
KiwihSMP N° 161

KiwihSMP is a survival server that offers crossplay, allowing players from different platforms to join together. You can team up with other players and work together to build your survival world. One unique feature of the server is the sporn system, which enables players to purchase resources using in-game credits. The...

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EloPvP - PvP Network N° 162
EloPvP - PvP Network

EloPvP is a PvP server that incorporates an EloSystem for ranking players based on their skills. It offers a Practice Area, Skywars, and FFA game modes. The /top command displays the top 10 players who are rewarded with the Elite Rank, granting them premium permissions and the ability to use /nick.

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MithrandirCraft N° 163

MithrandirCraft,, es uno de los servidores españoles más antiguos, abierto las 24 horas del día, sin interrupción desde la primavera de 2012. Tenemos varias características que nos diferencian de otros servidores similares, como: - Modo de supervivencia. - Roles de juego. - Mini juegos co...

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