Discover the best Minecraft Earth servers on our dedicated list
Minecraft Earth
Discover the complete list of Minecraft servers. You can filter by type and game version to refine your search and find a Minecraft server that meets your requirements. Servers are ranked based on the number of votes they receive, and the ranking resets every month.

Prepare yourself for an incredible Minecraft experience on PrisonEarth! ✨🌍 Introducing NationsMC - an exciting new Minecraft server that is making waves in the gaming community. Embark on an epic adventure with our unique game modes: 🏞️ Avalon (1.19.2): Immerse yourself in a special survival world filled wi...
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Welcome to our Minecraft server! We offer a unique experience with a combination of Survival, Semi Vanilla, Towny, Anarchy, Earth, Roleplay, and PVP elements. We have a "no rules" policy, meaning you are free to play the game as you wish without any restrictions or limitations. Claiming land is not required, so you ca...
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Welcome to P30, a Minecraft server that offers an exciting gameplay experience for players of all levels. Our server provides a range of useful commands to enhance your gameplay, including the powerful "/kit dtool" command that equips you with essential tools for gathering resources and building structures. You can als...
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