Welcome to YipCraft! We are a light survival server that aims to cater to all types of players, regardless of their experience level. Whether you're new to Minecraft or have been playing since the alpha days, our server is open to everyone.
One of the main features of our server is the Graves system, which allows you to keep your items safe upon death. We also have a Mob Arena where you can test your skills against various mobs. Additionally, we have Protection Stones in place to help safeguard your creations.
We have a ranking system in place that allows you to unlock more commands and features as you progress. This adds a sense of progression to your gameplay experience.
Our server is focused on providing a safe and peaceful environment for players to enjoy. With PvE enabled, you can engage in survival gameplay without the worry of PvP combat.
Thank you for considering our server, and we hope you enjoy your time here!

TagsSurvival, PVE
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