Welcome to SurvivalPVP, a server focused on team gameplay. When you join, you will be randomly assigned to one of four teams. Remember, team assignments are permanent and you cannot switch teams or play solo.
We have very few rules on this server. However, when using the tpa command to teleport to someone or have them teleport to you, remember that you cannot attack them unless they attack you first. Additionally, please refrain from setting a /home within a 100 block radius of other players' bases without their permission. This rule aims to prevent excessive teleportation into people's bases.
Griefing is allowed on this server, except when it's directed towards your own team. We encourage friendly competition and cooperation within teams.
To gain access to the server, please send a message to my Discord british_boy#0011. We also have a Discord server where you will be invited to join the community.

team smp
TagsSurvival, PVP
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