Our Minecraft server, with the IP skincraft.shulker.xyz:25565, offers a SurvivalTownyRoleplayPVEMcMMOEconomy experience. We strive to maintain a mostly Vanilla Minecraft environment while adding a few "Quality of Life" Plugins. If you're interested in joining our STAFF TEAM, simply ask a MOD for more information. To apply, send a mail to either 2econdSkinTTV or Racingwithmj in-game. Please note that a rank or command purchase on our site is required before applying.
On our server, you'll find various plugins such as Economy, which enables players to buy and sell items using currencies. EssentialsX provides essential features, while Jobs allows players to assign themselves up to 3 jobs and earn money by completing tasks like mining, farming, and woodcutting. We also have different ranks with varying permissions and commands, as well as ChestShop, where you can create player shops without any taxes. Additionally, you can color your signs using "&" color codes, claim land with GriefPrevention, and enjoy the Tree Feller plugin, which causes trees to "fall" when hit from the bottom log. Lastly, PlayTimeRewards offers rewards and tracks your playtime statistics. We can't wait to meet you on our server!

SkinCraft Survival+ | Economy
TagsSurvival, Towny, Roleplay, PVE
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