Welcome to Safe Haven, a community-based server that offers a variety of features for all players to enjoy. Our server includes Survival, PvP, McMMO, and an economy system.
In Survival mode, we prioritize a safe and enjoyable playing experience by strictly prohibiting griefing. PvP is optional, allowing players to choose whether or not they want to engage in combat. The McMMO plugin adds an extra layer of depth to gameplay, enhancing the overall experience. Furthermore, our server includes an economy system, providing players with the opportunity to trade and accumulate wealth.
For those who prefer a more creative experience, we offer a Creative mode with a rank system. Players can enjoy the benefits of free Worldedit and VoxelSniper for their building endeavors.
Additionally, we have a selection of community-based minigames, such as Hide and Seek, to further enhance the overall player experience.
Connect to our server using the IP addresses: safehavensmp.apexmc.co or We are currently running Minecraft version 1.19.2.
Join us at Safe Haven and become part of our welcoming community. We hope you have a great time exploring everything our server has to offer!
-Safe Haven Community

TagsSurvival, PVP
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