Survival Factions with Crossplay
Welcome to CrossplaySurvivalFactions, an exciting Minecraft server that adds a unique twist to the gameplay. In this server, if your character dies, you will be temporarily banned. But don't worry, you'll be back in the action in no time!
Our server, known as One World One Life, aims to promote strategic survival strategies within virtual worlds. It encourages players to think critically, as they navigate through challenges, build civilizations, engage in politics, and establish a world order—all within a environment where there are no rigid rules.
To ensure a challenging experience, the difficulty level is set to 'Normal'. If you do meet your untimely demise, you will receive a temporary ban for a period of 3 days. So, exercise caution and make every decision count in this thrilling Minecraft adventure!

One World - One Life (Java & Bed...
TagsSurvival, Faction
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