Welcome to Ninja Squirrel Creative Plots! A place where builders can let their imagination run wild. Our server, running on version 1.19.3, is equipped with a variety of plugins such as FAWE, Voxelsniper, Gobrush, Gopaint, Arceon, and MetaBalls. The best part is that players have instant access to these plugins upon logging in, without the need for rank-up or donations.
The plot sizes on our server are 145x, allowing players to own up to 8 plots as new members. If you want even bigger plots, you can combine them using the command /plot merge.
If you're looking for a challenge, you can have your plots reviewed by our staff for the opportunity to rank up. Although this feature is purely cosmetic, reaching higher ranks grants you more plots to enhance your gameplay experience.

Ninja Squirrel Creative
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