Our server, based in New Zealand, is gaining popularity. PvP and griefing are permitted, with the addition of the Factions plugin to promote action-packed PvP encounters. The medieval town serves as the spawn point and acts as a safe non-PvP area for players.
The server boasts interactive NPCs, including a Blacksmith who can repair weapons and armor, an Alchemist who can brew potions, and archers and gate guards patrolling the walls. Players can also explore the town's sewers, discover secrets in the old mill, and even have clandestine meetings with an assassin NPC. There's even a talking chicken in town!
To enhance the gameplay experience, player positions are dynamically updated on a live world map. You can zoom in and out to locate players and their structures both above and below ground. Check out the live map at http://minecraft.geek.nz:8124.
For fans of the Twilight Saga or the Vampire Diaries, there are rumors circulating about strange happenings at night. Some players are said to have transformed into powerful vampires with additional abilities, adding an intriguing twist to the Minecraft world.

TagsSurvival, PVP, PVE, Faction

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