SurvivalAdventurePVPPVEFactionsEconomySurvival Games
Under construction...
Focused on a custom style of Dungeons, RP, RPG, MMO with a lot of PvE and complete freedom for PvP. Trying to enhance the game and make progression more challenging with new ways to advance your gameplay through many new recipes, blocks, and animals. There are also significant changes in sounds, improved graphics, immersion,... among many other improvements that exist and will be available in the future.
In future updates, a raiding system will be added where players/groups can raid each other's bases based on a power system determined by how many times they die in PvP (similar to Factions).
More information: .gg/4WHqHmcRbs

TagsSurvival, Adventure, PVP, PVE, Faction
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