Welcome to the MaXGree Community!
Supported features:
- Saber Factions for exciting faction gameplay
- ShopGUI+ for convenient shopping
- AuctionHouse for buying and selling items
- Random Teleport for easy exploration
- Purchasable Ranks for added benefits
- Giveaways for a chance to win prizes
- Vault for secure storage
- 5 Voting Sites for additional rewards
- mcMMO for enhanced gameplay, with the server being available 24/7 and free from lag.
We frequently add new content based on player suggestions and ideas.
Our community is small, friendly, and free from toxicity. We aim to expand our player base.
Server IP:
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MaXGree Factions and PvP
TagsSurvival, PVP, Faction
About the server
Votes history
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Game experiences
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