Minecraft Java version 1.19.3 and Bedrock version 1.19.50 are whitelisted for hardcore mode.
1. Maintain proper etiquette in the in-game chat.
2. Prohibited to destroy other players' belongings or spawn objects. (CoreProtect is available to track offenders) Breaking this rule will result in a warning. Repeat offenders will be permanently banned.
3. Respect other players and their property, especially if it is marked as private land.
4. Do not steal from other players.
5. Only Limano & lokiimeow are responsible for building in the spawn area.
6. Avoid building too close to each other and communicate your building plans with other players.
7. Streaming from the server is allowed if desired.
8. Do not kill each other in the game. If PvP is desired, players must agree upon it beforehand.
9. Follow the text on signs.

LImanos Gaming Minecraft Whitelist H...
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