Welcome to SurvivalPVPLand! Our server is compatible with both Java and Pocket editions of Minecraft.
To claim your land, simply grab a gold shovel and use a stick on a block to check if it's already claimed. If it's free, go ahead and claim it for yourself!
If you need any items, just type "/shop" to access our virtual store. We have a wide selection available for purchase.
You can also make some money by selling items in the shop. Feel free to earn some extra gold while exploring the world.
PvP is allowed on our server, and if you defeat another player, you can loot their home as long as it hasn't been claimed. But please remember to be considerate of new players and refrain from killing them.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to me on Instagram at @mohd_izaan3.

TagsSurvival, PVP
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