Welcome to the Isaiahman03SMP server, the SurvivalMiniGames server with various game modes including a Hub Server, Creative server, and Hacker_Jail exclusively for banned players.
Our server offers exciting features like Crates, Kits, Claims, Gems, Mysteryboxes, and tpr. We also have Ranks, Cosmetics, and more to enhance your gameplay experience.
Our goal is to provide a platform where players can connect and compete in challenges. Join our Minigame Live stream event to win exclusive prizes such as Gems, Ranks, Mysteryboxes, and OP Items.
Our dedicated staff ensures that players have a great time on the server while adhering to the rules.
Want to join our Discord server? Click on the following link: discord.gg/TkjVByHXKg
Please note that the server is running on Minecraft version 1.18.2 and is not cracked. The server IP is Isaiahman03SMP.aternos.me.

About the server
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