Welcome to Gallantic Factions, a survival PvP PvE server with an economy system and Kit PvP. Now that you're here, what's next?
Let's start with the basics. What exactly is a faction? On our server, factions are groups of players who can either live in peace and friendship or engage in conflict and war. You have the power to choose whether you want to build a community or cause chaos.
Remember, everything is fair game in Factions. But what does "Gallantic" mean? In this context, Gallantic represents bravery, nobility, and a courageous spirit. As a member of Gallantic Factions, you should be proud of these qualities.
So, whether you choose to embrace the community or make your mark as a troublemaker, enjoy your time on Gallantic Factions!
Minecraft Java IP: GallanticFactions.apexmc.co
Version: 1.20
Bedrock IP:
Port: 25700

Gallantic Factions
TagsSurvival, PVP, PVE, Faction, KitPVP
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