Welcome to CrossplaySkyblock!
Looking for a brand new Skyblock server with friendly staff and a welcoming player community? Look no further! CrossplaySkyblock is the newest addition to the Skyblock world. We strive to provide a unique community experience, with supportive staff and a commitment to fair gameplay.
If you're interested, join our Discord server at https://discord.com/invite/crossplayskyblock. Even if Skyblock isn't your usual choice, feel free to stop by and say hello. If you have any questions or concerns about the server, you can message me (Winter Cod) or Taylor Papi (taylor_papi) on Discord.
IP address for both Bedrock and Java: play.crossplayskyblock.gg
Bedrock port: 5965
We can't wait to see you there! ❤️

Fusion Hub

About the server
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