Welcome to our server, SurvivalPVE! Our server was recently reset on November 30th to update to Minecraft version 1.18. It is a whitelist server that runs on Paper and includes various datapacks. Our server is inspired by the popular Hermitcraft series.
We are searching for players who are interested in joining our friendly community. We encourage players to work on their own projects, as well as collaborate on group builds and participate in events. We have exciting community builds and events planned for the future!
Currently, we are in the process of constructing the spawn town. This involves building roads, plots, gardens, and more. There is plenty of work to be done!
To apply and become a member of our server, please join our Discord server using the link provided below. After your application is reviewed, we hope you have a great time playing on our server!
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/2GzCt49

TagsSurvival, PVE
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