Survival, adventure, and roleplay enthusiasts, rejoice!
Introducing Ayjays Modpack, a must-have installation for all Minecraft players!
Experience the world of Minecraft like never before with Ayjays Modpack.
Thinking of hosting a server? Look no further, Ayjays Modpack is perfect for you!
Here are some tips to enhance your gameplay:
- We have optimized the modpack with over 200+ mods, ensuring a more adventurous and stable world. Expect beauty and chaos in unexpected places. Plus, there might even be tea involved!
To fully enjoy the modpack, we recommend a minimum of 24Gs to 32Gs of system memory. Keep your RAM set at a minimum of 8Gs while playing, with 12Gs being the recommended amount.
We value your feedback! Let us know how your experience with Ayjays Modpack is.
For optimal gameplay, we suggest downloading Optifine. It will greatly enhance your playthrough.
You can download Optifine from this link: [optifine link]

Ayjays Modpack!!!
TagsSurvival, Adventure, Roleplay
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