Have you ever wondered what happens when you combine the ATM7 modpack with some vanilla Minecraft plugins to spice up the gameplay? The result is nothing short of awesome! Come and discover the Awesome Sauce MC Server, where the world was freshly generated on 4/15/23.
Our server offers a unique combination of plugins that allows us to host an economy, factions, shops, minigames, PVP worlds, and peaceful ATM7 worlds all in one place. It's like having the best of both worlds!
To join the fun, simply go to Curse Forge and download the "ATM7 modpack". Launch Minecraft, select ATM7 from the options, and wait patiently as it loads (it might take a while). Once you're in the game, go to the multiplayer section and add the server as "awesomesaucemcserver.duckdns.org:25567".
For more information about the Curse Forge modpack, follow this link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-7
I want to take a moment to mention that I am the sole creator of this server and it's a work in progress. I appreciate your patience and welcome any feedback or suggestions. My goal is to provide a unique gaming experience that stands out from the rest. Thanks for joining us! 😊

Awesome Sauce
TagsRoleplay, PVP, PVE, Faction
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