Limited time offer! Get a FREE SkyWars Bomberman Kit for all new players until Monday!!! Simply create a help ticket /ticket create and request your kit, and we'll give it to you.
Join our new and friendly server. Currently, we have our own custom SkyWars, Creative Plots, Factions, and we're in the process of setting up CTF War. We also have plans to introduce Hunger Games.
Come and check out the unique features in our SkyWars game mode!!
We would love for you to visit us and we are actively seeking builders to contribute to our growing server. We are particularly interested in hearing from talented map builders for SkyWars and CTF.
Please note that the application process for becoming a mod on our server involves frequent visits, regular voting, and good sportsmanship. We will select the most dedicated and helpful players to promote as moderators at our discretion.

Artemis Realms
TagsPVP, PVE, Faction
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