8b8t came into existence in early 2021 and has remained operational for over a year. The map size has now grown to a staggering 2000 Gigabytes, with a remarkable total of 148 thousand distinct players joining the server. Following the unfortunate backdoor incident that led to the removal of Leee's main server, known as 6b6t, 8b8t was established as its successor. Renamed and enhanced, 8b8t is essentially an upgraded version of the original 6b6t in almost every aspect.
This server maintains an average player count ranging from 50 to 100 individuals. It offers players the freedom to engage in any activity within the boundaries of three simple rules: no spamming, no crashing, and no causing excessive lag. Both Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions are supported on 8b8t, which runs on Leee's personally owned computer.

8 builders 8 tools
TagsSurvival, PVP
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