Sponsored servers: What are the benefits?

Sponsored servers: What are the benefits?

  • Published on
    4th Nov 2024
  • Updated on
    2nd Mar 2025

The sponsored offer allows you to improve your visibility in our rankings and benefit from customization options. It offers a dynamic rate that automatically adjusts to your budget.

Discover the benefits of having a sponsored server in 4 key steps.

Enhanced visibility in the ranking: with a yellow background and the label "Sponsored", your server stands out immediately from others in the lists, attracting more attention. According to our statistics, sponsored servers have a click-through rate 15% higher than non-sponsored servers.

Priority in keyword searches: when a player enters a keyword in the search bar (a name, game type, version, etc.), sponsored servers appear first in the results. According to our statistics, more than 2,000 searches are performed daily on the site, and one-third of clicks go to sponsored servers.

Random suggestions on the voting page: your server can be recommended to players of other servers during the voting phase, helping you broaden your audience. This recommendation applies among other sponsored servers of the same game, giving each server a fair chance of visibility. Up to three sponsored servers are displayed, and you can check the click-through rate in the statistics under "Suggested Servers (vote)".

Advanced customization: the ability to add an animated GIF thumbnail, customize the illustration image displayed as the background on your server profile, choose the dominant color applied to buttons and gradient effects, and enhance your server description with Markdown for a polished presentation. According to our statistics, servers with an animated thumbnail record a click-through rate 9% higher than those with a static image.

Each month, the price is adjusted based on your server's position from the previous month. If your server gains popularity, the price increases. Conversely, if your position drops, the price is lowered, allowing each server to benefit from the offer according to its budget.

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